Workshops in Norway

As part of the project  “SUSTMAN – Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Manufacturing for students of PWSZ in Konin” workshops were held in Norway on April 19 – 24, 2015.

This time students and project coordinators learned about solutions related to  economic, sustainable and green maintenance and management used in Norway. The previous  study visits  were held in a center which uses geothermal water in Poland.

Upon arriving in Oslo, workshop participants  were allocated at the FOLKETEATRET Hotel. This hotel is an example of „sustainability” because the building used to be a theater.

There was a meeting the next day in Innovasjon Norge (Innovation Institute) with Marianne T. Kinnari – the head of Green Growth. She gave a lecture on: Green Industries in Norway. In her presentation she gave examples of renewable energy in various  fields, such as ships and ferries powered by electricity from a hydroelectric plant or liquid gas. It serves as a good and symbolic example of how Norway has gone through a quick evolution from an agricultural country to a fish exporter to a European superpower in renewable energy sources. The financing of similar green solutions in the economy was also a topic of discussion during the meeting because Innovasjon Norge supports Norwegian businesses that implement environmentally friendly solutions all over the world. 

On the third day participants visited Gjovik University College and met with Thorbjorn Skogsrot, the Dean of the Department of Technology, Management and Economics. He told participants about the most important organizational aspects at Gjovik University College. Among other modes of study, the academy offers a PhD degree in sustainable manufacturing and renewable energy. The academy has many research centers and a center for sustainable manufacturing, data protection, forensics and materials science. The academy cooperates with 25 countries and over 100 Higher Education Institutions all over the world including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Namibia, New Zealand and the USA.

Professor Tom Johnstad lectured on „Sustainable Business – challenges and opportunities”. He convincingly told participants from PWSZ Konin about inevitable implementations of sustainable management and development which enhance developed countries. This was the second of a series of lectures given by Professor Tom Johnstad who had earlier lectured at the SUSTMAN opening conference at PWSZ Konin, then at a study visit in Uniejów.

Different devices for the disabled were tested in the Research Center at Gjovik College, where participants met with  Jonny Nersveen PhD. A student project on 3D printing technology of an electrically powered VW Beetle was also shown.

On the following day there were visits and meetings in the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. The hosts of these visits were Wammer Tor-Ivar, Anne Magnusson, Reidun Kristine Malvik and Chistian Wold Eide. There was another  lecture on „Innovation and Sustainability” which concerned Norwegian  political challenges  in research of new technologies as well as Norway in the water works and fishing industry. On the next day, there was a meeting with Per Anker Nielsen from the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise from Naering Hus.

Students and lecturers from PWSZ Konin attended yet another lecture on the aims and strategies of sustainability and ways of implementing it in Norway, and more importantly supporting and implementing the ideas of politicians in society and entrepreneurs, and support cooperation between businesses and the government. The final workshop was held in Hogskolen in Lillehammer with a discussion lead by the academy Chancellor Erik Fredriksen. This academy was not chosen by chance. It is yet another example of ‘sustainability’ due to the fact that the buildings of  Hogskolen and the film academy used to be an Olympic center in 1994.

Not only was this study visit  a great opportunity to learn more about solutions in sustainable advances, management and eco-entrepreneurship but also a chance for closer cooperation between Poland and Norway which is one of the main priorities of Norwegian Funds from which SUSTMAN is financed by.

The Norwegian workshops  were not only an opportunity to learn about advances in world economy but also an unforgettable experience of being in such a beautiful country. Upon returning to PWSZ Konin Business Management  students claimed that they enjoyed seeing the fjords at sunrise and eating  shrimp on the coast.  All students were provided with scholarship funds, so they did not have to worry about flight tickets,  food and accommodation.

All students  at PWSZ Konin regardless of their  field of study are welcome to take part in this project. It is a truly  unique opportunity to gain knowledge in sustainable production processes, management, soft skills, language skills as well as setting up your own business. Students who are already involved in the project claim that to visit Norway at the cost of the University is simply invaluable . Still to come, there is still one more study visit for participants who will write the best business plan as part of the eco-entrepreneurship course. 

Registration is in the project office in  room 209 at 1 Przyjaźni Street. You can call at 63 24 97 258 or write an email to . There is more detailed information about the SUSTMAN project on the website and information about the Norwegian funds at

SUSTMAN Project – Entrepreneurship, balanced development and manufacturing for students at the State University of Applied Sciences in Konin is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and  co-financed by  Polish funds.