An invitation to the Conference

All Employees and Students of the State University of Applied Sciences in Konin (also known as PWSZ Konin) are invited to take part in a conference opening the project “SUSTMAN – Entrepreneurship, balanced development and manufacturing for students at PWSZ in Konin”.  The conference will be held in the university auditorium at 1 Przyjaźni Street on March 26, 2015.

During the conference you will find out everything about the project – its aim, who its addressed to, what are the benefits for students who enroll, course details and what Norway has to do with the project.

Conference Program

Hall B

10:30 – 11:30 Registration

Auditorium  –   Moderator of the conference Professor Wojciech Nowiak

11:30  opening of the conference by Professor Mirosław Pawlak –  Rector of the State University of Applied Sciences  

            in  Konin


11:40 “SUSTMAN – Entrepreneurship, balanced development and manufacturing for students at PWSZ in Konin”  

            Artur Zimny PhD  Dean of Humanities Department


12:00 “Norwegian Higher Education Structure” Inge Oystein Moen, Chancellor at Gjovik University College, Norway

12:30  “Sustainable Manufacturing” Professor Torbjorn Skogsrod, Gjovik University College, Norway

13:00 “Sustainable Business Administration” Professor Tom Johnstad Gjovik University College, Norway

13:30 “Polish – Norwegian Cooperation in the Assessment of the Polish Entrepreneur” Cezary Wojarski, Managing

            Director Macposter Sp. z o. o.


14:00 Closing Discussion


The conference is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and  co-financed the Polish funds.

The Project Office is located at 1 Przyjaźni Street in room 209, 62-510 Konin.  Telephone:  63 249 72 58
