Seminar Summing up Semester 1 classes

Summing up Semester 1 classes of the project

 „SUSTMAN – Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Manufacturing for Students of PWSZ Konin”


Konin, March 30, 2016


  1. Student opinions on the project objectives and classes
  2. Mentor opinions on the specific modes of study:

– ECO-Entrepreneurship – Karina Zawieja-Żurowska PhD

– Soft Skills and Communication – Beata Łazarska MA

– Sustanable Development, sustainable manufacturing proceses and services –  Artur  

  Zimny PhD

  1. The use of ICT (information and communication technology) in the project and in sustainable businesses –  opinions of mentors and students who participated in the project 


The project is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and  co-financed the Polish funds.