Seminar Summing up the first semester classes

Seminar summing up the first semester classes

that were held as part of the project

 „SUSTMAN – Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Manufacturing for Students of PWSZ Konin”


Konin, March 30, 2016


Room 3B




1. Summary of the project activities in the first semester – Artur Zimny PhD
2. Student opinions on the project objectives and classes
3. Mentor opinions on the specific modes of study:

– ECO-Entrepreneurship – Karina Zawieja-Żurowska PhD
– Soft Skills and Communication – Beata Łazarska MA
– Sustainable Development, sustainable manufacturing processes and services –  Artur Zimny PhD
– summary of the first semester workshop and study visit outcomes – professor Wojciech Nowiak

4. The use of ICT (information and communication technology) in the project and in sustainable businesses –  opinions of mentors and students who participated in the project. 



The project is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants and  co-financed the Polish funds.